We pride ourselves on personally meeting with candidates face to face or have extensive conversations by telephone or by video link to understand and assess your requirements. We will ask you some questions to see where you are now and how best we can help you, for example:
- Why are you looking to move on?
- What do you want from your next position?
- What is the next best step for you?
Maybe you already know the answers to these questions or maybe you would like to chat through the options? Contact us to discuss further. We understand the intellectual property and legal markets and are always available to comment on the trends and developments.
Finding a new job is not only time consuming but it can be mentally draining and stressful to be sure of the right next step – let us help you. As your intellectual property and legal recruitment agency partner, we are able to offer our expertise to help you find a position or to assist you with planning your career.
We have a reputation for upholding confidentiality. If you are complementing a move immediately, planning a career change or feeling a bit confused about the next step and seeking some reassurance that you are in right role compared to other options, please contact us.