We are pleased to announce that we have secured a long-running sponsorship agreement with the CIPA CITMA Cricket Club.
Our sponsorship will help this well-established club to continue competing, giving members of the IP community a chance to get together and socialise over a few overs of the “gentleman’s game”.
CIPA CITMA CC play friendly mid-week matches against other office-based teams. Our sponsorship will also help to cover the cost of providing nets for practice sessions (at Lord’s and the Oval), and the Club also partakes in a European tour at the end of each season – recent trips have taken in the sights of Vilnius, Ljubljana and Alicante.
The Club’s membership is primarily made up of patent and trade mark attorneys, but new members are always welcome and the Club would love to hear from anyone working within IP. If you have a right arm like Jimmy Anderson then all the better!
As a part of this sponsorship, the Club’s playing shirts will feature Dawn Ellmore Employment’s name and logo.
Please get in touch with Kevin Bartle (kevin.bartle@dawnellmore.co.uk) for further information, or you can contact the Club directly at cipaitmacc@gmail.com